Thursday, July 19, 2007

Romney Marsh

Lympne Castle in the mist.

Some cows having a chew.

New Romney to Hythe Miniature Railway.

Wind sculpted tree.

High and wide.


Anonymous said...

The Romney Marsh trees are spectacular! I love the way they have grown to give sheep pleasure. If three of the cows are from Romney Marsh, where are the other three from?

Anonymous said...

Lympne Castle is floating in the mist! How miniature do you have to be to fit in the train?

captain modroom9 said...

Anon.. The trees and the wind have a close relationship on the Marsh, and the cows don't know where they're from.

Lympne Castle kept appearing and disppearing in a Romney Marsh sort of way. Normal size people can fit in the train but it's very cosy!